7. Multi-Programming
Seiko Epson Corporation
S5U1C17001Y23 Multi-Programmer
System Manual (Rev. 1.1)
7.3 Establishing Connection with ICDmini
Click on the [ICDmini Connect] button to establish connection with the ICDminis.
Figure 7.3.1 Connection Establishment with ICDminis
7.4 Starting Multi-Programming
To start multi-programming, click on the [RUN] button or press [Enter] on the keyboard. The multi-programming
is executed in four steps, RESET, ERASE, WRITE, and VERIFY processes in order, and the process being
currently executed is indicated by the indicators (LED symbols) located at each target field that is blinking. When
each process has completed normally, the corresponding indicator lights in green.
When multi-programming for all the target systems has completed, “ALL PASS” is displayed in the execution
result display field located to the left of the [RUN] button.
Figure 7.4.1 [GangWriter] Window with “ALL PASS” Displayed