18 inTeGeR MulTiPlieR
S1C63003/004/008/016 TeChniCal Manual
Seiko epson Corporation
(Rev. 1.1)
VF: Overflow flag (FF76h•D2)
Indicates whether an overflow has occurred or not in a division process.
When "1" is read: Overflow occurred
When "0" is read: Overflow has not occurred
Writing: Invalid
When a multiplication process has finished, this flag is always set to "0." VF is a read-only bit, so writing opera-
tion is invalid. At initial reset, this flag is set to "0."
nF: negative flag (FF76h•D3)
Indicates whether the operation result is a positive value or a negative value.
When "1" is read: Negative value (MSB of the results is "1")
When "0" is read: Positive value (MSB of the results is "0")
Writing: Invalid
NF is a read-only bit, so writing operation is invalid. At initial reset, this flag is set to "0."
An operation process takes 10 CPU clock cycles (5 bus cycles) after writing to the calculation mode select register
CALMD until the operation result is set to the destination register DRH/DRL and the operation flags. While this
operation is in process, do not read/write from/to the destination register DRH/DRL and do not read NF/VF/ZF.