S1C63003/004/008/016 TeChniCal Manual
Seiko epson Corporation
(Rev. 1.1)
8.2 Key mask selection
Table 10.
Mask key combination
None (at initial reset)
P02, P03
P02, P03, P10
P10, P11
P10, P11, P12
P10, P11, P12, P13
When the concurrence is detected, RUN and LAP inputs cannot be accepted until the concurrence is released.
At initial reset, this register is set to "0."
SWRST: Stopwatch timer reset (FF4ah•D0)
This bit resets the stopwatch timer.
When "1" is written: Stopwatch timer reset
When "0" is written: No operation
Reading: Always "0"
The stopwatch timer is reset when "1" is written to SWRST. When the stopwatch timer is reset in the RUN status,
operation restarts immediately. Also, in the STOP status the reset data is maintained. Since this reset does not
affect the capture buffer, the capture buffer data in hold status is not cleared and is maintained. This bit is write-
only, and is always "0" at reading.
SWRun: Stopwatch timer Run/STOP (FF4ah•D1)
This register controls the RUN/STOP of the stopwatch timer, and the operating status can be monitored by read-
ing this register.
When writing data
When "1" is written: RUN
When "0" is written: STOP
The stopwatch timer enters the RUN status when "1" is written to SWRUN, and the STOP status when "0" is
written. In the STOP status, the timer data is maintained until the next RUN status or resets timer. Also, when the
STOP status changes to the RUN status, the data that was maintained can be used for resuming the count. RUN/
STOP control with this register is valid only when the direct input function is set to disable (always effective in
the S1C63003). When the direct input function is set, it becomes invalid.
When reading data
When "1" is read: RUN
When "0" is read: STOP
Reading is always valid regardless of the direct input function setting. "1" is read when the stopwatch timer is in
the RUN status, and "0" is read in the STOP status.
At initial reset, this register is set to "0."
CRnWF: Capture renewal flag (FF4ah•D2) – S1C63004/008/016
This flag indicates that the content of the capture buffer has been renewed.
When "1" is read: Renewed
When "0" is read: Not renewed
Writing: Invalid
The content of the capture buffer is renewed if the LAP key is input when the data held into the capture buffer
has not yet been read. Reading SWD[11:8] in that status sets this flag to "1," and the hold status is maintained.
Consequently, when data that is held by a LAP input is read, read this flag after reading the SWD[11:8] and check
whether the data has been renewed or not. This flag is renewed when SWD[11:8] is read. At initial reset, this flag
is set to "0."