Function description
The GAT Access 6600 reads 1D barcodes, 2D barcodes (e.g., QR-codes)
and RFID data carriers and verifies the information before granting or
denying access.
To read barcode tickets the terminal is equipped with a CMOS barcode
reader. The large reading slot provides comfortable access for reading
barcode tickets of different shapes and sizes. Remove the reading slot
module and it becomes possible to read barcodes that are opened on a
mobile phone display.
If RFID data carriers are also used in the facility, it is possible to identify
system users using their data carriers. The user simply holds their data
carrier next to the circular reading field on the front of the terminal.
Authorisation information is indicated by the large, clearly visible traffic light
LEDs on top of the terminal and next to the display. Further user guidance
to indicate authorisation is provided by LEDs in the RFID scan field and
barcode reading slot as well as an acoustic signal.
• Activation of turnstiles, doors, etc., via relay outputs
• Feedback inputs
• Reading slot for barcode tickets (removable)
• 1D barcodes and 2D barcodes (e.g., QR-codes)
• Barcode tickets of almost any standard size possible
• Mobile tickets - 1D and 2D barcodes received by mobile phones
• Print@Home tickets - tickets printed at home on A4 or US letter paper
• Clearly visible LED light for indication of rates and status information
(various colours)
• Illuminated, circular scan field for RFID data carriers
• Secure data transmission between reader and data carrier
• Robust plastic enclosure with safety glass
• For outdoor use
• Mounting on tubular holder
The GAT Access 6600 is a stylish terminal for access control in leisure
facilities such as public swimming pools, indoor and outdoor water facilities
and attraction parks. The terminal is mounted directly onto turnstiles or
similar access control hardware and provides convenient operation for
the facility guests. Identification at the terminal is achieved either with
barcode tickets (1D and 2D) or with contact-free RFID data carriers
(Radio Frequency Identification).
The clear interface guides the user through the various, well-structured
levels. Different versions of the terminal are available (see order
information) to provide compatibility with different RFID technologies.
The GAT Access 6600 is suitable for a variety of applications and is
designed to operate in indoor and outdoor areas.
Valid as from June 16
2015 • Technical data subject to modifications without notice!
DB_GAT-ACCESS6600--EN_11.indd • PartNo.: 822630
Manual GAT Access 6200/6350/6500 EN
Installation, configuration and operating instructions in
GAT Access 6600
Access Control Terminal with RFID and Barcode
Part No.
GAT Access 6600 F
Access control terminal with barcode and contact-free
RFID reader for MIFARE
data carriers
GAT Access 6600 ISO
Access control terminal with barcode and contact-free
RFID reader for ISO 15693 data carriers
GAT Access 6600 B
Access control terminal with barcode and contact-free
RFID reader for LEGIC
data carriers
Order information
Part No.
GAT Holder 6010 L
Tubular holder for mounting the GAT Access 6600 onto
a turnstile, stainless-steel, Ø 30 mm
GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240V
Power supply unit for supplying the GAT Access 6600
Output 24 VDC / 1.7 A
AC connector: IEC 60320 C7 connector
DC connector: GAT NET.Lock Molex connector
GAT NET.Power Cord EU
GAT NET.Power Cord UK
GAT NET.Power Cord AUS
GAT NET.Power Cord US
GAT NET.Power Cord IND
Power cord for the GAT NET.Power Supply 100-240V
with applicable power plug (see country code)