SDI2USB 3.0 User Guide
Record a video
Record a video
The Epiphan Capture Tool can record the im ages captured from your SDI2USB 3.0 as a video.
You can choose to capture audio (see
) and can also alternatively choose to save
individual im age files instead of a video, see
To record a video of your captured video source:
Step 1: Set the codec
Take this opportunity to select your encoding codec. Codecs are the software that take the uncom pressed
video fram es from the SDI2USB 3.0 and com bine/com press these into a digital video file that you can view
with a player, share with a colleague or upload to a video sharing site, like YouTube.
By default, your operating system com es with som e default codecs installed, no additional codecs com e
with the Epiphan Capture Tool. You can choose to install third party codecs such as x264. Picking the best
codec for your use case is beyond the scope of this docum ent, but you can find m any resources (and
debates) about this topic on the Internet.
To configure the codec:
1. Connect your video source to the video grabber.
2. Connect the video grabber to a USB port on your capture workstation (use USB 3.0 for best
perform ance or if you plan to capture em bedded audio).
3. Launch the Epiphan Capture Tool using the installed desktop shortcut. See or
4. Select the Tools » Opt ions m enu item ; a dialog box opens.
a. Select the Recording tab.