SDI2USB 3.0 User Guide
Install the video codec for Windows and set video
com pression options
a. Right-click on the .zip file and Ext ract All.
b. From the extracted files folder, right-click on set up.exe and select Run as adm inist rat or.
c. Click Inst all and follow the prom pts to install the drivers. The Epiphan Capture Tool is
installed at the sam e tim e as the drivers.
Installation m ay fail for com puters inheriting security perm issions from a
Windows dom ain, even when the installer is run as adm inistrator. In that case,
contact your local IT team for assistance with installation.
7. Restart the capture workstation after the installation com pletes and reconnect the video grabber.
Install the video codec for Windows and set video com pression
For Windows operating system s, we recom m end installing the K-Lite (Mega) video codec pack. This codec
pack adds video com pression options for recording video using the Epiphan Capture Tool. Recording
video without com pression consum es a large am ount of disk space, especially when recording at higher
resolutions and isn't recom m ended. We've tested and found that codec x264vfw in this codec pack is the
better choice for use with your video grabber.
To install the K-Lite (Mega) video codec pack on your Windows capture workstation:
1. Log into your capture workstation using an account with adm inistrator privileges and launch the
Epiphan Capture Tool.
2. From the Tools m enu, select Opt ions... and ensure that Display form at on the Display tab is set to
RGB 24 bit s per pixel (default).
3. Using a web browser on your capture workstation, download the K-Lite (Mega version) video codec
pack (32-bit and 64-bit versions are included):
K-Lite (Mega) video codec pack
4. Locate the executable file that was downloaded, then double-click the file and follow the prom pts
to install the K-Lite (Mega) codec pack for your Window's version. Use the Norm al installation
m ode and accept the default options. Click Finish when the codec pack has finished installing.
5. From the Tools m enu in the Epiphan Capture Tool, select Opt ions... and click the Recording t ab.
6. From the Recording t ab, set the Record as field to Video and click Select Codec.
7. In the Com pressor drop down, select x264vfw - H.264/ M PEG-4 AVC com pression and click OK.