SDI2USB 3.0 User Guide
Record as a series of im ages
8. In the Save opt ions section:
a. Specify a folder for saving the files. If you don't specify a folder, your im ages will be saved in
the sam e folder as the Epiphan Capture Tool.
b. If desired, specify a custom Prefix for each file.
c. Use the Suffix drop down to determ ine whether you're using decim al (d) or hexidecim al (X)
characters for the suffix, and the num ber of leading zeros in the filenam e (e.g. %04d m eans a
decim al suffix with 4 digits, the first few will have three leading zeros ( p)).
d. Set the St art value to the first num ber you want to use in your file nam e.
e. Use the Exam ple section to see the result of your file nam e edits.
f. Check the Overwit e exist ing files checkbox if you want new im ages to overwrite old ones.
g. Check the Ignore writ e failures checkbox if you want to proceed regardless of whether or
not the im ages are still being saved. (e.g. with this box checked, you will not be warned when
you run out of disk space or if there is a perm issions issue preventing file writing).
9. Determ ine how often you want to save im ages. Saving all fram es will save up to 30 im ages per
second, which can quickly take a lot of space on your hard drive!
10. Select Save all fram es to save each fram e as an im age.
11. Select Skip and set a value to save an im age every X fram es (e.g. set Skip to 10 and you'll save an
im age every 10 fram es).
12. Select Wait and set a tim e intervale between im age saves. Use this to collect a fram e every few
seconds or m inutes (choose from m illiseconds, seconds, m inutes and hours).
13. Lastly, decide if you want to save only a certain num ber of im ages or if you want to continue saving
im ages until request the application to stop recording.