9.7 Troubleshooting
9.7.1 Engine failure
If the engine suddenly fails during operation, this may be due to a number of causes:
a) Lack of petrol
b) Lack of oil in the engine
c) One of the safety switches has been activated.
d) Overloading
e) Technical fault
Before starting the investigation to determine the cause for the failure,
always set the start key to the OFF position.
The following can be undertaken to restart the engine in the case of:
A. Lack of petrol
The fuel tank is located at the front of the machine. An area of the fuel tank can be seen from the
operator position. Since the tank is transparent you can easily check the fuel level in the tank.
If you notice that fuel cannot be seen anymore, this will be the cause of the failure. Top it up with
petrol (see §9.2). Energize the starting motor. Close the throttle valve (choke). This will supply
petrol to the carburettor. The engine will start once fuel fl ows to the carburettor.
B. Lack of oil in the engine
The engine crankcase is fi lled with engine oil for piston lubrication and cooling. There will be a
danger of earlier wear of the engine when there is a lack of oil. A control switch has been pro-
vided to protect the engine. This switch will switch off the engine when there is a lack of oil. The
red light on the dashboard will light up (or the message will be displayed on the LCD display*).
(*On machines equipped with the optional Eco-eye™ system.)
Check the oil level and top it up if required. (See § 11.4.1.)
Check the switch for correct operation. To do so, disconnect the switch wiring and repeat the
normal start procedure. If the engine does crank, this points to a fault of the oil alarm and it
must, therefore, be replaced. Please contact your authorized ELIET dealer or a service outlet of
the engine make.