3. Disassembly and Assembly
01/2018 Rev. 1
1. Place the mainshaft in the vertical position on a work
bench, with the front (“pocket”) end facing up and the rear
(yoke) end supported on the special tool EEA-17506.
2. Install the 1st and 2nd speed synchronizer hub snap
ring in the front groove of the spline.
3. Place the protecting device on the mainshaft “pocket”
bearing end to protect the bearing seat.
4. Now, invert the shaft position and place this end (with
the protecting device) in the tool on the bench, placing
the shaft with the rear (yoke) end facing up.
Heat the 1st and 2nd speed synchronizer hub to 140°C
and, with special tool EEA-17029 and a hammer, mount
the hub in its position in the shaft, until the hub touches
the snap ring.
NOTE: As an option, the synchronizer hub can be
mounted on a press. Place the hub on the base of a
press. Position the mainshaft rear (yoke) end on the
hub opening and, with the press, insert the shaft in
the hub until the hub touches the snap ring.