01/2018 Rev. 1
3. Disassembly and Assembly
Shift Yokes and Rails
1. If removed, assemble the yokes, shift blocks and the
1st speed and reverse speed switch actuators in their
respective rails, observing the correct assembly sides
and positions. Use the notches at the ends mounted on
the front support as a reference for the balls in the rails,
as shown in the picture aside.
2. Install the roll pins.
NOTE: The reverse speed shifting yoke should be
assembled later, when the transmission is mounted
to the stand, after installation of the shafts and rails
assembly to the front housing.
NOTE: The correct side of assembly of the shift rails’
front support is with the face of the central recess
facing the side of the rails.
3. Place the shift rails’ front support on the workbench with
the recess side facing up.
4. From one of the sides of the support, in the hole
connecting the 1st / 2nd and 3rd / 4th gear shift rails,
insert one of the two pins of the interlocking mechanism,
with the smaller diameter facing inwards.
5. From the other side, of the same hole, insert the spring
and the other pin, in this order, in the opposite position
to the first one.