Model Copy
Making a backup copy of the model memory protects against
losing the original program and also allows one to experiment
with the original program, knowing that the original settings
can be restored by copying the backup copy back to the original
model memory.
To Copy a Model to Another Internal Memory
1. In the System MODE, highlight and select Model SEL using
the rolling Selector.
2. Use the rolling Selector to highlight Select then press the
roller to access model select.
3. Rotate the roller to select the desired model memory that
you wish to copy the current program to. (1-50)
4. Press the roller to select the highlighted model that you
wish to copy to.
5. Press the COPY button to copy the current model list above
to the selected model listed below.
6. Return to the System Menu by pressing the LIST button.
: The model memory that is copied to will be
replaced with the current model memory programming. It
is recommended that a model memory that is not being
used be selected to “copy to” as the information in that
memory will be erased and replaced with the current
model memory during copying.