42: Mix to Throttle
The 12X Cyclic-to-Throttle function is designed to add throttle
to prevent main rotor rpm decay resulting from load changes
placed upon the engine when an Aileron, Elevator or Rudder
control is given.
The most common use for Cyclic-to-Throttle mixing is for
Stunt Modes, allowing the main rotor rpm to remain consistent
throughout aerobatic and 3D maneuvers. Normally, Cyclic-
to-Throttle mixing is not used in Hover (Normal) mode since
control inputs are generally small and much less aggressive.
: If a Governor will be used for rpm control, it is not
necessary to use the Cyclic-to-Throttle Mixing, and all
values should be left at the factory default position (0%).
Programming the Cyclic-to-Throttle Function
1. In Function mode highlight the MIX-THRO function. Press
the Rolling Selector to access the MIX-THRO screen.
2. Highlight the desired value to be adjusted with the Rolling
Selector, and then press to open the options box. Roll the
Rolling Selector to adjust the value as needed.
Selecting the Desired Flight Modes for Cyclic-to-Throttle Mixing
The 12X allows you to select the specific flight modes in which
the Cyclic-to-Throttle mixing will be active. The factory default
position is ON for all flight modes, which is not recommended
in most cases. The Cyclic-to-Throttle mix is generally used for
Stunt (flight) modes only, so it will be necessary to select the
Cyclic-to-Throttle mixing for the desired flight modes.
1. Move the Rolling Selector to highlight the SW SEL for each
of the Cyclic-to-Throttle mixes to be used.
2. Press the Rolling Selector to open the Flight Mode options
box. Highlight the desired flight mode to be set (NRM, ST1,
ST2, ST3, ST4, GEAR), then press the Rolling Selector to
turn the mixing on or off for each of the active flight modes.
3. To exit the Cyclic-to-Throttle function, move the Rolling
Selector to highlight LIST, and press.