Up to six dual and exponential rates are available and are
selectable via flight modes (up to 6) or dual rate switches
(up to 3). In addition, various response curves including VTR
(variable trace ratio), Linear/ Exponential and Exponential/
13: Dual Rate and Exponential
To Program Dual Rate and Exponential Functions
1. Highlight and select D/R & EXP in the FUNC.LIST to obtain
the Dual Rate and Exponential display.
2. Highlight and select the displayed channel (upper left) and
select Aileron, Elevator or Rudder.
3. Use the Roller to select and change the desired D/R and
expo values for each position. Positions correspond to
the dual rate switch positions or can be programmed to
automatically operate in each flight mode (AUTO). Note
that D/R and Expo values can be independently adjusted
by holding the corresponding control stick in the desired
direction while making adjustments.
: VTR or Variable Trace Rate curves combine
two slopes. The intersection point of the two slopes
is determined by the VTR% selected (VTR60 gives an
intersection point at 60%). The slope (rate of change) is
adjusted with the D/R percentage.
Linear curve types are available that allow the tailoring of the
output curve. Dual and Expo rates are independently adjustable
in each direction by moving the appropriate stick in the desired
4. To Select a Curve Type highlight CURVE TYPE. POS 1
thru 5 will appear on the screen. Using the roller select the
position that you would like to change the curve type. Press
the roller to select VTR50, VTR60, VTR70, VTR80, VRT90
LIN/E (Linear/Expo), EXP/L (Expo/Linear).