The 12X features a Balance function that allows the servo
outputs of dual channels to be adjusted throughout the range.
This is useful when two servos are used to drive a single
surface (e.g., two aileron servos used to drive one aileron), and
the linkage geometry of each servo is slightly different (typical
with a tapered aileron). If both servos are mixed in a linear
fashion, binding will occur throughout the control range due to
33: Balance
To Program the Balance Function
1. Highlight and select Balance in the FUNC.LIST to obtain
the Balance display.
2. Note that the Balance screen will display the functions
that are programmed in the Wing Type. If no dual functions
are programmed in Device Select, then only one aileron
column will appear in the balance screen. If dual flaps
are programmed then two columns will appear in the
balance screen. This also applies to the dual elevator
and rudder functions.
linkage geometry inaccuracies. The Balance function
allows the servo output of the master servo to be adjusted
at 7 points throughout the range, compensating for any linkage
geometry inaccuracies. Think of Balance as a curve mix that
allows the master channels to be independently adjusted
at seven different points, allowing a perfect bind-free setup
throughout the control stroke.
3. Using the roller, highlight the desired position and
press the roller to access the value. Rotate the roller to
change the output position that is selected. The range is
+100 to -100. Repeat this for all positions until no binding
occurs throughout Control Travel. Point P-N adjusts that
channel’s neutral point, points P-1 and P-2 adjust that
channel’s 50% travel adjust point, points P-R, P-L, P-U
and P-D adjust that channel’s 100% travel adjust point,
and points P<R, P>L, P<U and P>L adjust that channel’s
150% travel adjust point.