The servo reverse screen allows the direction of each servo to
be selected.
1. Highlight and select REV.SW in the FUNC.LIST to obtain the
servo reversing display.
2. Use the Selector to highlight and select those channels
that need to be reversed. Pressing the Selector toggles the
channel between Normal and Reverse.
Travel Adjust allows the independent adjustment of servo travel
for each direction of servo travel.
11: Servo Reversing
To Program Servo Reverse
12: Travel Adjust
To program Travel Adjust Values
1. Highlight and select TRVL ADJ. in the FUNC.LIST to obtain
the Travel Adjust display.
2. Use the Selector to highlight and select each channel and
adjust the travel in each direction by rotating the Selector.
The direction of travel is changed by moving the stick/
switch/lever in the desired direction to highlight L/R, U/D or