The slave channel is the secondary receiving channel and
will move according to the program mix in relation to the
master channel. The default for both the master and the slave
channels is THRO.
The slave channel is selected by highlighting and selecting
this parameter to obtain a list of channels and then selecting
the slave channel from the list. The list contains each of the 12
channels in the system and CANCEL.
The right side of the Programmable mix screen displays the
available switch options. If you choose to have a switch control
the mix, either on/off or have two mix values, highlight and
select the desired switch(s) and select position 0 or 1. Each
standard programmable mixer has two positions - Pos0 and
Pos1 and each position has 2 percentages (upper and lower)
to accommodate mixing when the master is moved in both
directions. Note that POS 1 has priority over POS 0.
Slave Channel - (Std. Prog Mixer)
Switch Position