1. If the aircraft has a V-tail configuration, highlight INH next
to V-tail in the Wing TYPE function and press the roller
until ACT appears. Plug the right Elevator servo into the
Elevator channel (Ch3) and plug the left Elevator servo into
the Rudder channel (Ch4).
Dual Channels
1. To assign a 2nd channel to Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder or
Flaps, highlight and select INH under the desired channel
on the Mate line of the Wing TYPE display and a list of
available channels is displayed.
: Channels/Switches must be inhibited (INH) in the
Devic.SEL function before they will appear in the list as an
option to be used as a Dual channel. The Flap SYS must
be selected in the Deivc.SEL screen to access the Dual
Flap function.
2. Highlight and select the channel that is to be the Mate
(slave) to the control channel represented above it. Plug the
2nd control surface servo into the channel selected as the
3. INH will appear on the Trim Line of the display directly
beneath the channel just selected. This means that the
corresponding digital trim (FLAP TRIM or AUX TRIM)
located next to the FLAP and AUX2 switches can be used
as additional trims. However, the additional trims do not
function in the same fashion as regular trims. Instead,
they trim the controls such that both channels move in the
same direction – like reflexing both Ailerons or in the case
of Elevator halves, the Elevators would move in opposite
directions. As a result, these additional trims should remain
inhibited unless there is a special need for them. If changed
to ACT, the corresponding trim switch (Right Trimmer
or Left trimmer) will become active. If set to INH these
additional trim switches are inactive. Normal trims continue
to work regardless of the settings.