45: Governor
The 12X Governor function is designed to be used with most
currently available Governors. The Governor function allows
rpm values to be set for each of the Active Flight modes, and
will automatically change the Governor rpm values when the
Flight Mode switch is moved to each of the active flight modes.
The value range in the Governor function is –125% to 125%.
These values follow the Travel Adjust values. In other words, a
desired Travel Adjust value of +55% would also be +55% in the
Governor function.
The Governor programs operational channel can be assigned to
the Gear, Aux1 or Aux2 channels in the Device Select screen.
: To access the Governor function, the Gear, Aux1 or
Aux 2 channels must be programmed to GOV in device
select code 17 and the governor lead must be plugged into
this channel.
Accessing the Governor Function
1. Move the Selector and highlight the GOVERNOR function.
Press the Selector to access.
2. Highlight the desired value to be adjusted with the Selector,
and then press to access the value. Roll the Selector to
adjust the value as needed.
3. To exit the Governor function, move the Selector to
highlight LIST, and press.
: Flight Modes ST-3 and ST-4 will only be shown if
activated previously in System Mode.