Current Point Setting
This list shows the setting for each of the 8 adjustable points
(Point-L, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H). The value of each point
determines where the point is positioned vertically on the graph,
which dictates the Slave servo position relative to the Master.
The point values can be set from -100 to +100. A value of 0
indicates the Slave’s center or neutral position. The overall
travel of the Slave channel is affected by the Travel settings
described in the TRVL ADJ. function.
The value for a point can be changed by highlighting and
selecting the Point Name to the left of the point value and then
dialing-in the desired value.
Pressing the CLR button when a point value is highlighted
resets the point to original settings. The original settings are:
Vertical Line
The Vertical line on the graph shows the current Master channel
position. When the Master channel is deflected fully in one
direction, the line is to the extreme left over Point-L; when it
is at neutral, it is in the center over Point-1; when it is fully
deflected in the other direction, the cursor is at the extreme right
of the graph over Point-H. Where the Vertical Line intersects
the Curve Line over a given point defines Slave servo position,
which is equal to the value assigned to that point.
Multi-Point Programmable Mixer
The graph illustrates the mixing curve. The X-Axis (horizontal
plane) represents Master channel movement. The Y-Axis
(vertical plane) represents the Slave servo movement, where the
bottom 1/2 of the graph is one direction from neutral and the
top portion of the graph is the other direction.
Points That Can Be Added and Adjusted
Curve mixes are defaulted to three points (L, 1 and H). Up to
five additional points can be added. To add a point, move the
Master channel in the desired position until STOR appears on
the left bottom of the screen. Pressing STOR will store a new
point at that position.
The Exponential function blends the Curve between the points
on the graph to provide a smooth response. The default value is
OFF. To turn it on and smooth the mixing curve, highlight and
select OFF and it will toggle to ON.
: To eliminate a point press ERAS (bottom left of the
screen) when the point is highlighted.