The 12X features a three-position Flap System with Elevator
compensation, programmable Delay, and an Auto Land feature.
Its purpose is to allow the flaps to be programmed to three
different positions, normally full flap, half flap and no flap or
fully retracted position.
: The Flap System is available in the FUNC.LIST only
if SYS. is selected on the OUT line next to FLAP in the
Device. Select function in the SYSTEM Menu.
Because flaps generally causes a change in pitch (Elevator
trim), the Flap System provides for setting an Elevator deflection
for each flap position. This is called Elevator Compensation.
There is also a programmable Delay in .1-second increments
up to a maximum of 2 seconds. The Delay determines how long
it takes for the Flaps and Elevator to reach their positions. This
delay function insures that the Flaps and Elevator reach their
positions at the same time resulting in smooth Flap deployment
and retraction with minimal pitch change.
The Auto Land feature, if implemented, automatically retracts
the Flaps and Elevator compensation when the throttle is raised
above a specified throttle position. This can be useful during
a missed landing approach when a go-around is required. The
Flap System allows the Flaps to be deployed using the Flap
Switch, Flight Mode switch or a combination of both.
66: Flap System
1. Highlight and select FLAP SYS. in the FUNC.LIST to obtain
the Flap System display.
1. If Auto Land is to be used, scroll to INH under AUTO LAND
and select it with the Selector. INH will change to ACT when
selected and toggles between ACT and INH each time the
Selector is pressed.
2. Scroll down to THRO and press the Selector to show the
throttle percentage. Rotate the selector until the throttle
percentage (0–100%) is equal to where the Auto Land
feature is to retract the Flaps and Elevator compensation.
It is recommended that the throttle position be set very high at
first (between 90–99%) to give the aircraft a chance to regain
some speed before the Flaps actually retract. As the Flaps
retract, lift will decrease and the stall speed of the aircraft will
increase and may cause a crash if the airspeed is too low. When
there is a missed approach, advance the throttle slowly up to
about 90% and wait until the aircraft picks up some speed
before advancing the throttle to full, causing the Flaps to retract.
To Program the Flap System