The Trim System function adjusts the sensitivity of the 12X
trim levers and the Flap and Aux trimmers. The standard digital
trims are adjustable from 0–10 with 10 being the coarsest
adjustment and 0 being trim off. Adjusting the digital trim
values has no effect on the total trim travel, however, it affects
the resolution of each trim input. When the value is set to 10,
each click of trim adjusts the servo output by 10ms and there
are only 10 trim increments from center to each end. When set
to 5, the output is changed 5ms per trim step and there are 20
trim increments from center to each end. When set to 1, each
click of trim changes the servo output by 1ms and there are
100 trim increments. When set to 0 the trim levers cease to
function effectively, turning off the trim function. The Flap and
Aux Trimmers are adjustable from 0 to 200 and can be turned
on/off. When adjusted to above 100% the trimmer functions as
a two- or three-position switch. Reducing the value increases
the number of output positions. The trimmers can also be set to
function as a momentary switch by selecting ON under Moment
for either or both trimmers. When adjusting the digital trims
(AILE, ELEV, RUDD), the total trim travel does not change –
only the number of increments (beeps) changes, which makes
for finer or coarser trim movements. When adjusting the analog
throttle trim, however, the total trim travel is actually reduced
when set to less than 100%. Use a fairly coarse setting, such as
the factory default 4, when test flying a model for the first flights
in order to be able to trim it quickly; use a finer setting, such as
3–1, for final precision trimming.
When adjusting the digital trims (AILE, ELEV, RUDD), the total
trim travel does not change – only the number of increments
(beeps) changes, which makes for finer or coarser trim
movements. When adjusting the analog throttle trim, however,
the total trim travel is actually reduced when set to less than
Use a fairly coarse setting, such as the factory default 4, when
test flying a model for the first flights in order to be able to trim
it quickly; use a finer setting, such as 3–1, for final precision
83: Trim System
L.S.T. Trim (Limited Standard Trim)
The L.S.T. trim feature has two options: L.S.T. and normal. In
normal, when making trim changes using the aileron, elevator
or rudder digital trims, the center as well as the endpoints is
affected by the trim values. The right trim causes the center,
the right endpoint and the left endpoint to all shift to the
right. When L.S.T. is activated, only the center position is
trimmed. The center is shifted to the right but the endpoints
are not affected. This is useful for aircraft that have a hard stop
endpoint to prevent over-travel caused by trim or if it’s desired
to have trim changes not affect the total roll pitch or yaw rate.