Main Voice
In “1- Main voice”, you have the possibility to choose the language of the menus, then the text-to-speech
engine of your choice.
Text-to-speech voices you might have downloaded on the Play Store will be set up at this level.
Reading Voices
By going to “2- Reading voices”, you will be able to choose languages and text-to-speech engines that will
be used to read texts fields (SMS, emails, books, articles, etc.)
To read a text, you can choose between three voices/reading languages. This is particularly useful if you
receive an email in French or want to read an article in Spanish for instance.
By default, texts are read with voice 1. If you wish to read a text with voice 2 or 3, press one finger on the
screen and simultaneously press key number 7 for voice 1, number 8 for voice 2 or number 9 for voice 3, or
press the screen with three fingers (ring finger, middle finger and index finger).
By default, available languages for reading voices are: German, English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Voice recognition language
In “3- Voice reco”, you can choose the language of the voice recognition with which you wish to dictate a
text (SMS, mail, note).
Keyboard language
In “4- Keyboard”, you can choose the type of keyboard displayed in text input screens. Two keyboards are
available at this stage: French and English. The main difference is that the English keyboard does not
contain accents.
Speech rate
There are two types of speech rate parameters: one for the main voice (interface menus) and one for
reading voices (in text reading screens). In “5- Speech rate”, you will be able to change those rates using the
Up arrow key to increase speed and Down arrow to reduce it.
Android voice
In “6- Android voice”, you can choose the language and the text-to-speech engine used by Talkback in
Android standard screens.
Set repeat delay and keypad vibrations, set up your Braille display or your
external Bluetooth keyboard