- “2- Current location during navigation”: to activate the “Current location”/”Where am I” function during
your journey. The app will give you the closest address to your location while you move.
- “3-Update itinerary”: to update your itinerary if you think your path changed from the initial itinerary (you
will need an internet connection).
- “4-Save route”: to save your itinerary and consult it offline. Attention: while consulting your itinerary
offline (without any internet connection), you will not be able to use real-time guidance.
Get your position
By selecting ”3-Current Location”/”Where am I” in the GPS menu, it gives you the address which is the
closest to your current position depending on the available GPS data, as well as orientation indications. The
cardinal point indicated in this function is the one towards which the top part of your phone is pointing
when held in horizontal position, parallel to the floor. To get more accurate results for this particular
element, it is recommended to move your phone in a figure 8 a few times; this will help calibrate the
compass. It is also possible to use an experimental function indicating on which side odd/even numbered
houses are. This function needs to be activated in the Parameters menu.
Manage your address book
You can save your favourite addresses so you can access them more easily for your next itinerary.
To access your favourite addresses, select “4-My addresses” in the GPS menu. A list of your favourite
addresses will be displayed.
To save a new address press Menu then select “1-Create an address”.
There are two different ways to enter an address:
- Through the voice recognition system. You will have to speak very clearly and specify the city or zip code
(for example: 10 Downing Street, London).
- By typing it manually using the ABC keyboard.
To delete an address from your address book, go to the address you want to delete then Press Menu and
select “2-Delete address”.
Manage your routes
You can save your most frequently used routes to avoid having to enter the settings of your journey every
time you need to access it.
To retrieve your saved itineraries, select “5-My routes” from the GPS menu.
If you wish to consult an itinerary, select the chosen route and validate by pressing OK.
If you want to delete an itinerary from your favourite routes list, select that itinerary, press the application-
specific menu key and validate to delete.
Choose your GPS settings
The GPS can be used in car mode. To change the travel mode, select “6-Settings” from the GPS Menu and
validate. Then press “1-Travel Mode” and select “2-Driving”.