And here are the 5 more advanced key-points, to help make sure you use phone’s full potential.
A- With the numbers keys, navigate quickly through the menus
you use most often. For example, open the
contacts list by pressing 1 then 2 from the Home screen or dial a number after having pressed 1 twice.
B- Use the Home screen to its full potential
with the keyboard shortcuts (by holding the keys longer) or
voice shortcuts (accessed by pressing the Home key) to make calling or sending a text to your contacts
easier. Get the time by pressing the * (Star) key, your notifications by pressing the # (Hash) key and your
connections by pressing the Correction key. (Paragraph 5)
C- Learn how to switch between the standard Android-TalkBack interface and Voice Mode
by pressing twice
quickly on the Home button if you have activated this possibility in the Settings (“9-Settings”, “2- Android
interactions” and “1- Double click on Home”).
D- Synchronize your Google account from the standard Android interface
for a better experience with your
contacts and Calendar. For this step sighted assistance may be required (Paragraph 13.4.).
E- To upload files like mp3, text or image files, Daisy or ePub books
to your phone like you would do on a
USB stick or an external drive, connect your phone to your computer.