Manage your favourite pages
On every web page you can manage your favourite pages by pressing the Menu key then selecting “5-Add
to favourites” to add the current page to your favourite pages or “6-Favorites” to show the list of your
favourite pages. Do not hesitate to save your favourite websites to easily access them this way.
Download files directly from the web browser
It is possible to download files directly from the web browser. By default, files will be downloaded in the
Download folder (accessible in the directory of your phone, via a computer for example), but it is also
possible to save files directly in the
folder, which can prove very convenient to download ebooks
directly from an online library.
Example: Find below how to download an audiobook directly from Audible online library, step by step:
From the Home menu, press 6-Multimedia then 5-Web browser
Press 4-Enter URL. The text input field already contains the characters http://, you can complete the
address by filing in audible.co.uk and press OK.
After a few seconds, press the key 4 to select the navigation by link and use the down and up arrows
to either press “Get my free audiobook” or “Already a member” link if you already possess an
amazon account.
From the new login page which opens, press the key 4 to select the navigation by field and use the
down and up arrow to the field email address, press OK to activate the entry mode.
After the phone tells you “Empty, lower cases”, press the # key (at the bottom right of the elastomer
keyboard) to activate the numerical keyboard; you can now type in your email address.
Press the down arrow to select the first password field and press OK if you already have an Amazon
account. (If you do not, press the down arrow to select the second password field, press OK; a new
page will appear, press the key 4 to select the navigation by field, use the down and up arrow to
access to the fields and press the # key to type in your information: Name, email address and new
password; press OK to leave the entry mode)
After the phone tells you “Empty, lower cases”, press the # key to activate the numerical mode if
your password starts with numbers; then type the numbers on your keyboard and if you need to
type in letters afterwards, press again the # key to switch to the upper and lower case mode; press
OK to leave the entry mode.
Press again the down arrow to reach the Continue button; press OK to enter.
A message like “Do you wish to remember this password” might pop up, press OK.
13- Specific Doro features
Assistance button
The Assistance button is at the rear of your device, just under the camera.
The assistance button makes it easy to contact the help number you have predefined.