and you will have to enter the email server parameters. You can check that information on the internet
and find your account parameters. An example of such a configuration is available on the audio user guide.
Once that information is filled in, you can to choose the name you want for your account and add a
10- Use the vision aids applications
Camera Application
Torch, photo and video, gallery
The Photo function enables to take pictures by pressing the OK button or just by tapping the screen.
On the
Home screen select “4- Vision aids” then “4- Camera”. Then, s
elect “1- Take photo” to access it. After taking
a picture, you can choose whether to directly come back to the picture taking screen or to add a description
to the picture you just took. To activate or deactivate the flashlight, press 1. To zoom in, press the Up arrow
and to zoom out, press the Down arrow. By pressing the Menu key, you can choose the definition of the
picture, the activation or deactivation of face recognition and the default flash mode. The face recognition
feature will enunciate the number of faces that the camera recognises in the picture you are taking.
The video function (“2- Take Video”) enables to take videos by pressing OK. You will need to press OK again
in order to stop the recording. Flashlight and zoom are managed as for the pictures function. To zoom in,
press the Up arrow and to zoom out, press the Down arrow. By pressing the Menu key, you will be able to
choose the definition of the video and the default flashlight mode.
The Gallery enables to view the photos and videos stored on the memory of your phone. The Gallery
function first lists the folders containing pictures and videos. After selecting a folder, the list of pictures and
videos is displayed. Browse through the elements with the Up and Down arrows and press OK to view the
selected picture or video. Use the Menu key to edit the description of a picture, delete or get details of an
On the same Menu screen, you can also decide to:
Launch the OCR (character recognition) on the photo selected,
Send it by email,
Send it by MMS.
To download the pictures and videos onto your computer, plug your phone to a computer; open the DCIM
folder, and then the Camera subfolder.
The “Activate Torch” function, on the fifth row of the main menu of the Camera application, enables to use
the flashlight of the phone as a torch. It has no impact on the activation of the flashlight while taking a
picture or a video.
Barcode scanner
Please bear in mind that this function cannot give perfect results and might be challenging to use. We offer
this function as it can be useful and convenient, but getting an accurate result might take time and you will
probably need several takes. Indeed, the only way to get good results is to correctly align the phone to take
a well-calibrated picture of the barcode, which can be challenging with no or low vision, for instance if the
barcode is difficult to find. Sighted assistance might be useful to get more comfortable this application.