If you don’t have many contacts, copy them from the internal memory of your previous phone to
your SIM card then insert your SIM card in your phone and use the import function described
above. To copy the contacts of your old phone to the SIM card, go to the contact list, press the
Options key and look for an item named “save all contacts” or “check all contacts” then “copy”.
If you have too many contacts for them to all fit on your SIM card and if your previous phone was a
Nokia, install the Nokia PC Suite on your computer (http://www.nokia.com/gb-
en/support/product/nokia-suite/) start this software, connect your phone to your computer and
press OK to put your phone in “PC Suite” mode. Go back to the software and select your contacts.
Choose where you want to save the .NBU extension file. Then you just have to copy this .NBU file
on the root directory of your phone and launch the Contacts application, press the Menu key and
select “Import contacts from a NBU file”.
8- Check and send your text messages
On the Home screen select “2- Text messages” then press OK. The screen that will appear is your text
messages main box displayed as a list. The first line offers the possibility to directly write a new message.
On the following lines you will find the list of all the text messages you received by chronological order
(most recent on top). The main box contains the received messages, the drafts and the unsent messages.
Send a text message
To start writing a new text message, select the first line of your text messages inbox and press OK.
You can choose the text message recipient three different ways:
Manually by selecting “1- Dial a number”
From your contact list by selecting “2- Select contact”. You will be redirected to your contact list.
Through voice recognition by selecting “3- Vocal input”
Once the recipient’s number entered, you have two ways to enter your text message, as explained in
chapter “3. Entering text: with the keyboard or by voice recognition”.
Once you are done editing your text message press OK then confirm the content of your message, and send
it by pressing OK once more.
You can also add a picture or a contact file to your SMS. After confirming the text you typed, you will select
5 – Attach a document and will be able then to choose between 1-Picture and 2-Contact. If you select 1-
Picture, you will then get access to the DCIM file, where you will be able to pick up the picture you want to
send between the ones you saved in the folder. If you select 2-Contact, you will then get access to your
phonebook, where you will have to select the contact you wish to send.
If you are not sure about the attached document you selected, you can still look up into it by pressing 4-
Information Attached Document before sending. If it was not the document you wished to send, you can
press 6- Delete Attached Document.
If you wish to save your message as a draft, press the Home button or press the Back key then press OK.
You can find the drafts you saved in the Main box or by pressing the Menu key then 5- Drafts.