It reads the network information first: Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi signal strength if the Wi-Fi is connected to a network,
then the mobile network type (3G means you have access to internet) and reception strength. Then it gives
you the battery charge percentage and tells you if the GPS and Bluetooth are activated. Finally, it reads the
name of your mobile network.
To have the phone give you the date and to know if an alarm is on press the star (*) button below the 7. To
get a recap of your notifications concerning missed calls, text messages and unread emails, press the hash
(#) key, under the 9.
Use the voice recognition system to dial a number, or select a contact to call or
write a text to
If you have an internet connection (either Wi-Fi or 3G) you can use the voice recognition to dial a number
or select contacts from the Home screen.
For this, you will have to press the Menu key.
Get used to the same practices as those described in the paragraph “3.2 -Voice recognition entry”. In
particular, you should speak distinctly after the beep and be careful not to make any sounds or noises like
Dialling a simple phone number
To call a number, simply dictate the wanted number. For example, press the Menu key and say “0 207 112
12 12” then press OK to confirm the call. To send a text message, press the Menu key and say “text 0 207
112 12 12” then press OK to confirm and open the text input screen. You can then use the voice recognition
to enter your text message.
Advanced functionalities: voice shortcuts for selecting a contact
To use voice shortcuts efficiently, you may need to “train” your phone to associate intuitive vocal
instructions to the correct contact in your contacts list. In some cases, using the first name of the person
you would like to call will be sufficient for the app to find the corresponding contact. You may sometimes
need to teach the app to recognise the name or your contact by following the steps described below.
Let’s say for example you want to call a contact named Steve Jordan (as written in your contact list) who
happens to be your father:
- If there is only one Steve in your contact list, the easiest way to call him is to launch the voice
recognition system and say “Steve” or “call Steve”
- If you have two or more contacts named Steve, it will ask you to choose between the different
matching entries.
- If the app doesn’t make the right match, you can teach it to be more precise. For example, start a
new voice recognition this time saying “call Steve Jordan”. It will then ask you if you wish to create
a new voice shortcut. Press OK then select the number you want among your contacts by using the
Up and Down arrow keys.
Note that nothing keeps you from associating words independently from your contacts’ First and Last
names. For example you can say “call dad”, then associate this sentence with your father’s number. If your