Please note that we are using the same technologies as the other barcodes readers available on
smartphones. Our tests suggest that our application is as efficient as the best ones we tested.
To launch the Barcode Scanner, open “4- Codes Scanner” from the main screen of the Camera application.
The scanner is immediately running. You can press 1 to activate or deactivate the flashlight in continuous
mode, which might improve the results depending on the object and the light conditions. By pressing the
Menu key, the Focus mode can be changed: continuous (the scanner adapts the focus to the object), Macro
(the focus is fixed to around 5 to 10 centimetres of the object), or automatic.
Once the Codes Scanner is launched, you should aim to place the object on which you wish to scan a code
10 to 15 centimetres away from the phone, and very slowly move the object in front of the camera lens to
try and find the barcode.
Once the barcode has been recognised,
the app
offers to launch a barcode search on the internet, which in
most cases enables to identify the object in the first results of the web search. To access the result faster,
you can press key number 3 in order to navigate by heading through the search results.
By pressing the Menu key from the screen displaying the recognised code, you can save a voice memo or a
text note linked to this barcode. The voice memo will automatically be read the next time you scan that
code, and the note can be retrieved by pressing the Menu key.
It might take some time to get a satisfying result as the only way to take a proper picture of a Barcode is to
aim at it perfectly. Help from a sighted person for your first try can be required.
Read a document using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application
With the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) app, you can scan and read simple documents (mail,
restaurant menus…) very easily. This application can be particularly useful when traveling or for day-to-day
use. Its results are some of the best among the existing mobile OCR applications, with one of the shortest
processing time (less than 5 seconds).
To get the best results, sighted assistance may be useful on the first few instances in order to help you take
the best position.
To launch the Optical Character Recognition from the Home screen, go to “4- Vision aids” then “1-OCR”.
The method described below consists in scanning an A4 piece of paper in two takes: first the top part, then
the bottom part of the page. You can also try to scan the A4 page in one take if the printing is not too small.
1- Place the document in vertical position in front of you (it doesn’t matter if the page is upside down) on a
flat surface (preferably with a plain and light background).
2- Place your phone on the document at a right angle with it, the tactile screen facing up (if the document is
in portrait position, then place your phone in landscape).
3- Line up the bottom of your phone on the right side of the document, so that your phone’s camera points
at the centre of the A4 page and leave a space of about 3 fingers wide between the phone and the top of
the document for a good positioning.
4- Take your phone with both hands holding it by the corners with your thumb and your middle finger and
lift it up vertically so you can put your elbows on the table and be stable while keeping a good focus on the
top of the page.
5- Tap anywhere on the screen with your forefinger, or press OK or press the volume button to take the
picture while staying as stable as you can until you heard the sound confirming the photo has been taken.
Note that in some cases it can be useful to activate the flash by pressing key 1.