You can start the song you want to listen to by placing yourself on the song in the list and pressing OK.
Supported audio files formats are:
.mp3, .wav, .aac, .flac, .ogg, .mid, .3gp, .mp4, .m4a.
Options available while listening to music
Once you are listening to a song, you can:
- Control the volume with the Volume button on the left side of your phone
- Stop or restart the music at any moment by tapping on the screen with your finger.
- Fast forward the song 20 seconds by pressing 9 or go back 20 seconds by pressing 6.
- Go back to the beginning of the song playing by pressing the Up arrow key once.
- Go to the next song by pressing the Down arrow key once or to the previous song pressing the Up arrow
key fast twice.
- Activate or deactivate the repetition of a song or all songs by pressing 1. The 3 choices form a loop when
you press 1. (Tip: stop the music to hear the voice synthesis system read you the different choices better).
- Activate/Deactivate the shuffle playing mode by pressing 2. (Tip: stop the music to hear the voice
synthesis system read you the different choices better).
Allow or block music outside the MP3 application
You can activate or block playing music outside the MP3 application (background mode). By default, this
parameter is blocked and exiting the MP3 application, for example by pressing the Home button, stops the
music. To change this parameter, go to the first screen of the MP3 application and on the line “4- Sound out
of MP3 player” and press OK twice.
Book reader (Daisy, mp3 and txt files)
The Book Reader application gives you the possibility to read Daisy 2.02, ePub and Nimas ebooks as well as
simple mp3 and .txt files. You can also control the reading speed, make bookmarks, and browse through
the books.
To launch the application, go to “6- Multimedia” and then “2- Book Reader”. The first screen of the Book
Reader application gives you the list of the books stored in the ClariaBook folder of your phone.
Add and delete books from the ClariaBook folder
To add or delete EBooks, you just need to add or delete them from the root file of the ClariaBook folder on
the internal phone memory. To know how to do this, see chapter “11.1 Drag and drop files from your
If the ClariaBook folder doesn’t exist yet, simply start the Book Reader application once, it will create it. You
can also directly create the folder using the exact same name (“ClariaBook”).
You can also delete a book from the reader by selecting it and then choosing “Delete”.