To get the list of the attachments contained in an email, press the Menu key then “9-Attachments”. The
number of attachments is read along with the menu title. You can then press OK to display the selected
attachment. The formats handled by the mail application are: PDF, RTF, TXT, DOC, DOCX.
For the files formats that are not yet supported (as per PPTX and XLSX for now), you can still download
them in the Download folder of your phone to access them through the File manager application in the
Utilities section or access them through a computer or another android app.
To browse the different folders in your mailbox, press the Menu key and select “8- Folder list”.
You can also mark an email as unread by pressing the Menu key from your inbox and selecting “7- Mark as
Reply to an email
To reply to an email, go to the email you want to answer from your inbox and directly press OK or press the
Menu key and select “2- Reply”. You will then be directed to a screen on which you can type your message.
If in the options menu, select “3- Reply all” or “4- Forward”, the email creation form will open with all the
information filled in, except for the recipients and you will be able to modify the email as you see fit.
Delete an email
To delete an email, from your email inbox list just press the Correction key twice: this will first open a
confirmation screen then confirm deleting the email. You can also confirm deleting your email by pressing
To delete an email from the email reading screen, go to the email you want to delete and press Menu then
“5-Delete” and confirm.
To empty the Trash folder of your mailbox, press the Menu key from the Inbox screen and select “0- Empty
Add an email account
The first time you will open the email application, you will be asked to set the parameters of your email
To add another email account afterwards, you can access the accounts list from your Inbox by selecting “9-
Settings and accounts” then open a new account form by pressing the Menu key then “1-Add account”.
Please note that you can only add an existing email account (and not create a new email address).
On this configuration screen you are asked on the first line to fill in your email address (for example:
[email protected]) and on the second line your password. Be careful where you are when doing this:
your password will be read clearly out loud to avoid any mistakes. If you don’t want your password to be
overheard we would advise you to temporarily lower the volume of the voice synthesis. The third line is the
confirmation of your information.
Most of the email extensions are recognised and can be configured automatically. In this case you will be
asked on a pop up screen to choose between automatic and manual configuration. We would advise you to
choose the automatic configuration. If the automatic configuration isn’t available a second form will appear