Select “1-Create” to create a new contact entry or “2-Edit” to edit the entry you are on. The contact entry
form will then open.
The available fields for a contact entry are the following: First Name, Last Name and Phone number. They
appear as a form with a vertical list of items you can fill in. In the application-specific menu (opened by
pressing the Menu key on the top left corner of the keypad), you can add the following optional fields:
Email, Address, Birthday, Notes, and Ringtone.
Press OK to open the field you wish to edit, type in what you want and press OK again to confirm. For
example if you want to enter “Steve” as a contact’s first name, go to the First Name field, press OK and type
the name Steve with the ABC keyboard and confirm with OK.
Once all the fields you wanted to create or edit have been edited and confirmed, go to the “Submit”
button, at the bottom on the last line of the contact form and press OK to save the new contact or the
changes you made to an existing one.
Select a contact to call or to send a text message/email to
Start the Contacts application from the Home screen by pressing 1 then 2. Select the contact you want to
send a message to by browsing through the list or use the contact filter by typing the first letter of their first
or last name.
Note that the filtered list gives you all the contacts whose first or last names start by the typed letters. If
you type the letters S, T and E for example you will get all you contacts named STEVE but also your contacts
with a last name starting by S,T and E.
Press OK to go to the contact card you selected. Select the phone number then “1-Call” or “2-Text
message” or select an email address to send an email.
Delete a contact entry
To delete a contact entry from the contact list, press the Menu key then select the third line “3-Delete” and
confirm with OK.
Import contacts from your SIM card
If you are using a Gmail account, to save your contacts, synchronize them on your phone as explained in
chapter 14 and you will get all your contacts automatically on your phone!
If not, you can still import all the contacts you have on your SIM card. To do so, after inserting your SIM
card, open your Contacts list and press the Menu key to display the contact list application-specific menu.
Select “Import from SIM card” then confirm to import all the contacts from your SIM card to your contact
list. This may take thirty seconds.
Import contacts from a Nokia file (.NBU)
If your contacts aren’t on your SIM card but directly on your phone, there are two ways to copy them on
your phone: