To accept this call, you need to press the OK key. To turn it down, just press the Back key. To switch from
one call to the other, you can press the Up arrow and Down arrow keys.
Browse the call log, missed calls and delete a call
The call log keeps track of the last calls you received, made or missed. To browse this history, from the
Home screen press 1 then 3. This will first open the “1-Phone” menu then the item “3-Call log”.
Note that this will reset the missed calls count at zero, in the first item “1-Phone” of the Home screen. The
number of missed calls is indeed displayed when selecting the first line of the Home screen, “1-Phone” (e.g.
“1-Phone (3)” when you have three missed calls).
Often, the fastest way to call someone you’ve already called recently is to open the call log, select the past
call to this person then press OK to call this person again.
Note that while on the call log screen you can filter the missed calls by pressing 1, the incoming calls by
pressing 2, or the outgoing calls by pressing 3.
To delete a call from the log, press the Correction key.
Call using the shortcuts with a long hold on a numerical key of the Home screen
To make calls even faster to up to 10 favourite contacts, you can assign their phone number to a numerical
key of the Home screen and start a call by holding the assigned key for a long time (more than one second).
The default settings assign the 1 key to voicemail. If your voicemail number isn’t immediately recognised by
your phone, fill it in by going from the Home screen to “1-Phone” then “4-Shortcuts” and “3-Voicemail”
To change the settings for the other keys: let’s take the example of the 2 key. Hold down the key for a few
seconds on the Home screen. If no contact is assigned to the key, the app will ask you if you wish to assign a
contact to the “2” key shortcut. Press OK then select the contact and the phone number you wish to assign
to the key using the filtered list. From now on when you will press 2 for a few seconds on the Home screen,
you will directly call this person.
If you want to change a shortcut already assigned to a contact go to “1-Phone”, “4-Shortcuts” and select “1-
Numeric shortcuts”.
Call your Voicemail
To call your voicemail, hold 1 for a few seconds from the Home screen as we described above. If you have
decided to assign another number than your voicemail on the 1 key, you can call your voicemail by
selecting “1-Phone” then “5-Voicemail”.
7- Manage your contact list
Create or edit a contact entry
To create or edit a contact entry, go to “1-Phone” then “2-Contacts” from the Home screen to get to your
contact list. Press the Menu key to display the contact list application-specific menu.