Technical Manual
V28 - 08/2019
Electronic safe lock
Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow key to activate (CDE DEN ON, access denied) or deactivate
(CDE DEN OFF, access allowed) the Code Denial for the selected user group or manager.
Press the ENTER key to confirm the setting.
Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the selected user groups and managers.
Activating or deactivating the Duress Code Function
Submenu DURESS bank
This function only applies for Duress Code in Bank Mode.
The Duress Code in OTM is not affected.
If the information of a duress is sent to e.g. output 1, this output will have a different behavior
in Bank Mode and One Time Mode (OTM).
Behavior in Bank Mode: After recognizing a duress, the output will change from sleep mode to
operating mode.
The output remains as long in operating mode (indicator for a duress) as a valid code without
information of a duress is entered. The lock opens.
The output only goes back to sleep mode after lock opening.
Behavior in OTM: After recognizing a duress, the output will change from sleep mode to oper-
ating mode.
For at least 1 minute the output remains in operating mode, before the output goes automat-
ically to sleep mode.
The effective time, in which the output remains in operating mode, depends on the configura-
tion of the lock e.g. Time Delay etc.
It is possible to set the duration of a duress time delay (a longer or shorter time period) irre-
spectively from a time delay.
If the lock is connected to an external alarm system, a silent duress alarm will be activated
when a Duress Code is entered.
The alarm signal is not perceptible for the aggressor.
If the Duress Code function is activated, duress codes will be recognized.
If the lock is opened with a Duress Code, the defined Duress Time Delay will start.
Authorization: Master Code
Select the submenu DURESS bank.
Press the ENTER key.
The currently set status of the Duress Code will be displayed.
By default the Duress Code is set to off.
Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow key to activate (DURESS ON) or deactivate (DURESS OFF)
the Duress Code.
Press the ENTER key to confirm the setting.
Activating or deactivating Dual Mode
It is possible to configure the lock in a way that 2 codes are required for lock opening.
Dual Mode is applied when only 2 persons are authorized to open the lock.
Authorization: Master Code