International roaming
You can make a call in the same way as you do in Japan.
From the Home screen,
Enter phone number including area number (City
If you make a call to the party using "WORLD WING", make a call as
an international call to Japan by entering the "+" and "81" (country
code of Japan) and without leading "0" of the party's phone number
even when making a call in the country you stay.
When the party answers, a calling screen appears.
When a call is ended, "End"
You can receive a call in the same way as you do in Japan.
An incoming call during the international roaming is forwarded from Japan
regardless of which country the call is from. A caller is charged for a call fee to
Japan, and the receiver is charged for a reception fee.
To have the party in Japan call you overseas
Just have your phone number dialed as a domestic call in Japan.
To have the party outside of Japan call you overseas
The party needs to dial from the international call access code and "81"
(country code of Japan) regardless of which country he/she stays in.
International call access code of the country of the caller -81-90 (or 80) -
Making a call inside the country you stay
Receiving a call in the country you stay
Making a call to your terminal
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