This manual provides the information that you will need to maintain the
BA42B Enclosure when used with the VAX 4000 Model 100/100A/105A
systems. It contains information about the enclosure, installation information,
and procedures for servicing field replaceable units (FRUs).
This manual is for Digital™ Services personnel who provide support and
maintenance for systems that use this enclosure. It is also for customers
who have a self-maintenance agreement with Digital Equipment Corporation.
Users of this manual must have experience in replacing hardware components.
Structure of This Manual
This manual is divided into three chapters, three appendixes, a glossary, and
an index:
• Chapter 1 provides an overview of the system enclosure and describes
the controls, mass storage areas and capacity, signal distribution, power
distribution, input and output connections, and configuration guidelines.
• Chapter 2 provides site preparation information and describes how to
install the systems that use the enclosure.
• Chapter 3 provides instructions on removing and replacing FRUs.