Removing and Replacing Field Replaceable Units
Figure 3–1 Major FRUs in the BA42B Enclosure
RF* Disk Drives
TLZ06 Tape Drive, or
RX26 Diskette Drive, or
RRD42/43 CDROM Drive
Upper Drive
Mounting Shelf
Lower Drive
Mounting Shelf
TLZ06 Tape Drive, or
TZ30 Tape Drive, or
RX26 Diskette Drive, or
DSW42 Input/Output Module
DSW42 Input/Output Cable
DSW42 Logic Board
Power Supply Unit
DHW42 Logic Board
DHW42 Input/Output Module
DHW42 Input/Output Cable
CPU Module
MS44/MS44L Memory
DSSI Module
TZK10/11 Tape Drive, or
TZK10/11 Tape Drive
RRD42/43 CDROM Drive
Note: RF denotes RF31T/RF35/RF36 Disk Drives
TZ30 or
3–4 Removing and Replacing Field Replaceable Units