PR-2015-0159-GB • Subject to modifications • R1-11/2015
Tab. 4-1:
Clear opening
4.3.2 Ceiling opening - SWIRL®
The dimensions of the ceiling opening for the HyCassette-Geko with SWIRL®
outlet must be at least 595 mm x 595 mm and maximum 640 mm x 640 mm. An
installation with a 4-mm shadow joint between outlet and ceiling is recommended
due to construction tolerances of the false ceilings.
Primary air supply
HyCassette-Geko has a primary air connection placed in a corner on the side of
the unit that enables the addition of primary air to the supply air within the unit.
Use the accessory item ZGC0113 to connect an air duct 110 mm x 55 mm with
the unit Other connections on-site are not allowed since among other things an
uncontrolled air intake could lead to condensate being carried off.
The quantity of primary air depends on the static pressure at the primary air con-
nection and the nominal flow rate of the HyCassette-Geko.
(see Chapter 4.4.3) It is recommended to use a flow rate controller provided on-
site to keep the primary air quantity steady
Pos. 1:
Ceiling panel
Pos. 2:
Design panel
Fig. 4-5:
Mounting design panel directly on ceiling panel
Clear opening
W [mm]
W [mm]
Variant 1
595 x 595
600 x 600
585 x 585
660 x 660
Variant 2
595 x 595
600 x 600
585 x 585
660 x 660
Variant 3
615 x 615
640 x 640
585 x 585
660 x 660
Primary air is treated air, i.e. filtered and conditioned (15 - 25 °C,
maximum moisture content 13.5 g/kg) according to the requirements
(with a minimum of filter class F7) to cover the base load. The maximum pri-
mary-air volume flow may not exceed 100 m³/h.