netconfig eth1a down
netconfig eth1b down
netconfig eth1c down
netconfig eth1d down
Do not log out of the Data Domain system, as the network ports must be
enabled after the switch replacement is complete.
4. Complete one of the following tasks to stop the Avamar services.
Stop the Avamar services for a DP5300/DP5800
1. Login to the Avamar with SSH.
2. Stop all Avamar services.
Run the following command:
dpnctl stop all
Stop the Avamar services for a DP8300/DP8800
1. Login to Avamar Administrator.
2. Navigate to the Activity screen.
3. Right-click each backup in progress and select Cancel Activity.
4. In Avamar Administrator, selectServer
Checkpoint Management
5. Select a recent, validated checkpoint, or select Actions
Create Checkpoint.
6. Login to the Avamar Utility Node as the admin user.
7. Load the SSH keys as described in KB article 95614.
8. Verify that no maintenance jobs are running on the Avamar.
Run the following command:
9. If necessary, create a checkpoint.
Run the following command:
mccli checkpoint create --override_maintenance_scheduler
10. Shut down all Avamar services.
Run the following command:
dpnctl stop
11. Answer yes to the EMS question.
12. Verify the Avamar services are stopped.
Run the following command:
dpnctl status
13. Prepare the Avamar nodes for shut down.
Run the following commands:
mapall --user=root --all 'touch /fastboot'
mapall --user=root --all 'halt'
14. Power down all nodes in the grid.
Dell S4048-ON Switch FRUs
Prepare for switch replacement