Shut down the IDPA
1. Use ssh to log in to AVE IP on the ACM dashboard. Use "admin" as user and the
common password for the appliance.
2. From the root login, run the/usr/local/avamar/bin/ --
checkPrcessingPackage command to check if any package installation in
progress on AVE or not. If it is, wait for package installation to complete.
root@xxxxxxx:/home/admin/#: /usr/local/avamar/bin/ --checkPrcessingPackage
3. Run the dpnctl status all command. Examine the output and ensure that all
important back up server services are up and running as shown in the following
screen shot. If not, contact support.
admin@xxxxxxx~/>: dpcnt1 status all
Identity added: /home/admin/.ssh/admin_key (/home/admin/.ssh/
dpnctl: INFO: gsan status: up
dpnctl: INFO: MCS status: up
dpnctl: INFO: emt status: up
dpnctl: INFO: Backup scheduler status: up
dpnctl: INFO: Maintenance windows scheduler status: enabled
dpnctl: INFO: Unattended startup status: disabled
dpnctl: INFO: avinstaller status: up
dpnctl: INFO: ConnectEMC status: up
dpnctl: INFO: ddrmaint-service status: up
4. Run the mccli checkpoint show command to check all the checkpoints
available on the Avamar system. Please take a screen shot of the output from
running this command. The screen shot will be helpful in the later stages of the
shutdown procedure.
admin@xxxxxxx:/home/admin/>:mccli checkpoint show
0,23000,CLI command completed successfully
Tag Time Validated Deletable
cp. 20180523033106 2018-05-23 09:01:06 IST Validated No
cp. 20180523033444 2018-05-23 09:04:44 IST No
cp. 20180523054859 2018-05-23 11:18:59 IST No
5. Run the mccli checkpoint create--override_maintenance_scheduler
command to create a checkpoint on AVE.
admin@xxxxxxx:/home/admin/>mccli checkpoint
create --override_maintenance_scheduler
0,22624, Starting to create a server checkpoint.
6. After the previous command executes, run the mccli checkpoint show on the
AVE again to see the checkpoint tag which was newly created and assigned to
the checkpoint you initiated in the previous step. the entry may take some time
to get reflected in the output of this command (you may need to repeat this
command 2-3 times). The newly created checkpoint entry can be validated
from the timestamp associated with the entries. In the following screen shot,
cp.20180523033444 is the tag of the newly created checkpoint.
mccli checkpoint show
0,23000,CLI command completed successfully
Tag Time Validated Deletable
Prepare the Integrated Data Protection Appliance for Hardware Replacement
Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA)
Field Replacement Guide