Replacing an Ethernet Cable
This procedure describes how to replace a failed Ethernet cable on a PowerEdge R630
Replace a PowerEdge Ethernet cable
Complete the following steps to replace an Ethernet cable on a PowerEdge server.
1. Disconnect the failed cable from the switch.
2. Disconnect the failed cable from the PowerEdge server.
3. Connect the new cable to the switch.
4. Connect the new cable to the PowerEdge server.
Replacing a Disk
This procedure describes how to replace a faulted disk in a PowerEdge R630 server.
The IDPA server contains three different disk types:
SD disk: This disk contains the ESXi operating system. If this SD disk fails, perform
the IDPA server replacement procedure. Replacing the SD disk without replacing
the entire server is not supported.
SSD disks: One SSD is present in the IDPA server for use as a caching device.
HDD disks: Five HDDs are present in the IDPA server.
The disk replacement procedure consists of the following tasks:
1. Gather information about the faulty disk.It is important to note which type of
disk has failed.
2. Remove the failed disk from the system.
3. Install the replacement disk.
4. Prepare the new disk.
5. Add the new disk to the system.
6. Verify there are no errors.
Verify the following prerequisites are met before replacing an IDPA server disk.
General prerequisites
The following general prerequisites apply:
Verify the IP address range, subnet, and gateway IP addresses for the BMC
(iDRAC) port for all servers.
Verify the root and administrator passwords for the server and BMC (iDRAC).
Dell PowerEdge R630 Server FRUs
Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA)
Field Replacement Guide