However, the SHAFT generator and SHORE connection controllers can only supply a base load (by adjusting the power from the
For load sharing over the DEIF network, the load sharing can be either equal or asymmetrical.
Load sharing over the DEIF network occurs automatically when the controllers are under PMS control, provided all the necessary
I/O settings and parameters are configured.
Only DEIF controllers can be used for load sharing over the DEIF network. No other vendors' controllers can be used for
load sharing over the DEIF network.
7.6.3 Equal load sharing
For equal load sharing, the gensets each run at the same percentage of nominal load. This allows differently sized gensets to share
the load.
DEIF network
For load sharing (active and/or reactive power).
GOV control
For active power load sharing.
AVR control
Optional. For reactive power sharing.
Control type
If a controller is under switchboard control, then that controller does not control the governor or AVR. Therefore, it cannot participate
in load sharing.
For controllers under power management system control (in AUTO and SEMI mode), the power management system shares the
load equally between the connected equipment. The shared load may be the total system load. However, if a controller is under
switchboard control, or if the SHAFT generator controller is supplying a base load, then the shared load is the remaining load.
Equal load sharing example
800 kW is required from two running gensets (nominals loads of 600 kW and 400 kW respectively).
Together, the gensets run at 800 kW / (600 kW + 400 kW) = 0.8 = 80 % of their nominal load. That is, the 600 kW genset
supplies 480 kW, and the 400 kW genset supplies 320 kW.
7.6.4 Asymmetric P load sharing
Asymmetric power (P) load sharing allows you to select certain gensets to run at their optimum efficiency. The load on the other
gensets then fluctuates to absorb variations.
Asymmetric P load sharing can also be configured so that, as far as possible, a particular genset supplies a base load.
Asymmetric P load sharing is done by the power management system over the DEIF network.
The following hardware is required for asymmetric P load sharing.
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