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Calibir GXM640 IR Camera User's Manual
Features and Configuration Options
External Trigger
Calibir GXM640 camera sensors support an external trigger input for frame acquisition
or counter control. Its status can be read for any required application.
To enable the external trigger, set the Trigger Mode (TriggerMode) feature, available in
CamExpert in the Trigger Control Features category, to On.
Trigger Source
The external trigger can be generated by a variety of sources, such as a physical external
line input, software event or using a PTP timestamp modulo event (for more information
on using PTP, refer to the Precision Time Protocol and Overview of Precision Time Protocol
Mode (IEEE 1588) sections).
The physical external trigger source is Line 1; refer to the 10-pin I/O Connector Details
for connection information. The trigger is asserted on the rising edge of the voltage
transition. External signals are isolated by an opto-coupler input with a time
programmable debounce circuit.
The Trigger Source (TriggerSource) feature sets the type of trigger.
Input Line Debouncing Period
The Input Line Debouncing Period (lineDebouncingPeriod) feature, available in
CamExpert in the I/O Controls category, specifies the minimum length of time the input
pin must be held high to be considered a valid trigger; triggers shorter than the minimum
input debounce time are ignored. This can be disabled by setting the Input Line
Debouncing Period feature (lineDebouncingPeriod) to 0.