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Calibir GXM640 IR Camera User's Manual
Features and Configuration Options
Slave Configuration with External Input Frame Trigger
To enable the external input frame trigger, set the trigger source (TriggerSource) feature
to Line 1. Line 1 is always asserted on the rising edge.
For more information refer to the External Trigger section.
Slave Configuration with PTP Trigger
To enable PTP, set the PTP Mode (ptpMode) feature, available in CamExpert in the Event
Control category.
Use the Trigger Source (TriggerSource) feature to select the required timestamp modulo
event (1 or 2), and set event start and period (timestampModuloStartTime and
timestampModulo features).
For more information on PTP refer to the Precision Time Protocol section; for more
information on using external triggers refer to the External Trigger section.