Wire Line Quality Voice and Data
You can configure your Trailblazer for data speeds up to 512 kbps or designate part of
your bandwidth to POTS lines or Leased lines, as the Trailblazer seamlessly integrates
64kbps full bandwidth PCM POTS or Leased Line cards for high quality, uncompressed
audio with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio.
Easy Installation
The outdoor unit mounts on a 1"- 2.25" pipe or pole or attaches to any vertical surface.
The indoor rack enclosure mounts in a standard 19” rack. Each unit requires an external
antenna and has its own
battery, backed up AC or 48VDC power supply, or
runs directly on 12-24 VDC, which is easily powered by solar.
Low Power Draw: Ideal for Solar Applications
The low power consumption of 2 to 5 Watts makes the Trailblazer very energy efficient.
The Trailblazer operates at any DC voltage from 12V to 24V and is thus easily powered
by a solar system. CWT solar powering kits are available with up to 7 days of back-up
Flexible & Programmable
All Trailblazer models are bench or field programmable. Using the GUI (Graphical User
Interface) application with a Windows PC and serial COM port, you can configure the
amount of bandwidth, allocate voice and data channels, select different frequencies and
CDMA codes, use antenna alignment aids and other diagnostic tools, as well as upgrade
software and firmware. The Trailblazer models support all CLASS features, fax and V.90
dial-up modems.
Rugged & Weatherproof
In the weatherproof enclosure
, all components, including the digital radio cards,
power supplies & CPU, are fully integrated into a NEMA 4X waterproof enclosure, which
is built to last in tough climates. The lockable polycarbonate enclosure, with a neoprene
gasket, will protect against wind, rain and ice thus providing years of service.
No License Required for the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz, Simple License for 4.9 GHz
The Trailblazer uses the license-exempt (in most countries) 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz
frequency bands, or the 4.9GHz public safety band
Private and Secure
The signal is fully encrypted spread-spectrum CDMA modulation with a proprietary
framing structure and packet size that ensures complete privacy and security.
Standard ISO 2593 V.35 DTE port
Because the Trailblazer models feature a standard ISO 2593 V.35 DTE port, most other
V.35 devices plug right into the Trailblazer Phone Extender.
Trailblazer Installation and User Manual