Crystal Vision
TANDEM 3G User Manual R1.4
AES output router
AES output router
Routing Selection
An input to output routing selection is applied by clicking on the crosspoint squares in the
matrix. Any selections made will turn dark red. Invalid selections will be rejected and returned
to the last valid selection. Once a routing selection is finished it will require the Salvo button
to be pressed, until this point no changes to the original routing will have been made. Valid
selections will turn bright red and new source-destination assignments will be loaded into the
routing table. Any output channel can be muted by ticking its adjacent box.
Gain controls
Video gains
TANDEM 3G’s YUV lift and gain controls allow independent digital image adjustments,
essential for maintaining colour fidelity.
YUV lift and gain controls
The video proc-amp allows adjustment of video gain, black level and independent YUV gains.
The maximum increase in overall gain allowed is 200%, should any combination of controls
be set where this maximum would be exceeded the gain will be limited to 200%
It is possible to set the gain control so that their combined indicated gain will exceed 200%.
In these circumstances the indicated values will not be valid.