Crystal Vision
TANDEM 3G User Manual R1.4
The board status is shown using a mixture of simulated LEDs and text information. As a
general rule a green LED shows a good condition such as input present. An amber LED will
give a warning as with video black or video frozen. If a LED turns red this is a fault condition
so input present will turn red if the input should go away. A greyed LED will indicate an
absence such as non-alarm or non-warning status.
Text is used where more information is required than can be inferred by a simple LED such as
video standards.
Status monitoring
Input Video and audio status
Input present is indicated by a simulated LED, green will indicate that the input is present, red
for no input. The video standard of the incoming video is also given in text.
Audio present on the input video and output video is indicated by green LEDs, one for each of
the four available audio groups. Should an audio group be missing the corresponding will be
greyed out.
The control tab contains the TANDEM 3G configuration controls.
Control menu