Crystal Vision
Card edge operation
TANDEM 3G User Manual R1.4
channel invert
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ
De-embedder Grp
1 Chl 1 invert
Rotate the SCROLL/ADJ. control to show the individual de-
embedder invert controls.
Group 1 Channel 1 to Group 4 Channel 4.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ. to select.
Invert, Not Invert.
De-embedder Grp
4 Chl 4 invert
AES input
channel invert
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ
AES input
channel 1L invert
Rotate the SCROLL/ADJ. control to show the individual AES input
invert controls.
1L, 1R to 8L, 8R.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ. to select.
Invert, Not Invert.
AES input
channel 8R invert
output Routing
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ
De-embedder to
embedder routing
Gp1 Ch1
Rotate the SCROLL/ADJ. control to show the output embedders
router controls.
Group 1 Channel 1 to Group 4 Channel 4.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ. to select group and channel.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ to select routing source.
De-embedder to
embedder routing
Gp4 Ch4
AES to embedder
Gp1 Ch1
AES to embedder
Gp4 Ch4