Operating Instructions
Weighing System 0521
translated document
page 33 of 123
ADC Vref Tab
2.5 V reference [Volt]
Displays the reference values of the interrogator
Ground reference [Volt]
Functions Sub Tab
Displays which function of the interrogator is activated.
Communication Sub Tab
Displays the speed and the slave address of the interrogator for the used communication type.
Identification Sub Tab
Displays the type, hardware and software version of the interrogator.
User ID
Displays the actual ID of the interrogator
Interrogator Serial Number
Displays the serial number of the build in optical filter. It’s a part of the
interrogator serial number written on the outside of the interrogator housing.
Interrogator Type
Displays the type of the interrogator (single or twin)
Interrogator hardware configuration
Displays the hardware configuration of the interrogator
Interrogator firmware PIC32
Displays the firmware of the build in microchip PIC32
Interrogator firmware PIC33
Displays the firmware of the build in microchip PIC33