Operating Instructions
Weighing System 0521
translated document
page 89 of 123
Status bit false
Status bit true
Problem with sensor(s) Sensor OK
Indicates if there is a problem or not with one or more
Data container 1 not
ready for logging
Data container 1 ready
for logging
Indicates if the data from the interrogator is ready for
logging or not.
Data container 2 not
ready for logging
Data container 2 ready
for logging
Indicates if the data from the interrogator is ready for
logging or not.
All data not ready for
All data ready for logging Indicates if the data from the interrogator is ready for
logging or not (container 1 and container 2).
Type of interrogator:
Single lift
Type of interrogator:
Indicates the connected type of interrogator.
Weighing in progress
System not weighing
Indicates if a load cycle is in progress.
Twistlock not unlocked Twistlock unlocked
Indicates if the spreader Twistlocks are unlocked or not.
Twistlock not locked
Twistlock locked
Indicates if the spreader Twistlocks are locked or not.
Spreader not in 20ft
Spreader in 20ft position Indicates if the spreader is in 20ft position or not.
Spreader not in 30ft
Spreader in 30ft position Indicates if the spreader is in 30ft position or not.
Spreader not in 40ft
Spreader in 40ft position Indicates if the spreader is in 40ft position or not.
Spreader not in 45ft
Spreader in 45ft position Indicates if the spreader is in 45ft position or not.
Twinlift Twistlock not
Twinlift Twistlock down
Indicates if the twin-lift system is in twin-lift mode = 1 / if
the twin-lift system is in single-lift mode = 0.
= Only available with the twin-lift system.
All indications are related to the information feed into the interrogator via the wiring from the
spreader. If the interrogator is not properly wired, the described status can be wrong.
CanOpen configuration:
Speed: the speed of the CAN bus (125Kbit/s by default).
Node ID HMI (Master): CAN network address of the screen.
Node ID Interrogator: CAN network address of the interrogator.
Node ID Gateway: CAN network address of the CanOpen/Profibus gateway (if declared).